Monday, December 7, 2009


In China women wanted smaller feet. Small feet were desirable and fashionable during the 10Th century and the early 20Th century. The binding of girls feet began when they were around the age of three to eleven, this was before the bones in their feet had developed. The young girls feet were soaked in an mixture of animal blood and herbs, this was thought to soften the feet, cloth was also soaked in the mixture. Then the toenails were cut back as far as possible to prevent in growth. Then the toes are broken and then pressed tightly to the sole of the foot. they were then bound tightly using the cotton bandages. The end of the cloth was sewn together to stop the girls from loosening them themselves. The bandages caused a great deal of pain for the girls and a lot of problems in later life such as extreme back pain. This idea never spread to any other part of the world. This picture shows the shoes that these girls would have worn.

Friday, December 4, 2009

As time went on shoes became more popular and the idea of showing wealth by the height of your shoes spread from ancient Egypt,Rome and Greece towards Europe. In Turkey during the 1400s a new pair of platform shoes were created called Chopines. They were made and quickly spread throughout Europe. They could even be 30inches high, they were mostly worn by women. With the height of these shoes servants were needed to help the women walk, showing the higher class of these women. These shoes were made from either cork or wooden stacked to give these shoes height. Chopines are a bit like today's wedges, with cork still sometimes being used.

Monday, November 30, 2009

The First High heels.

The earliest record of high heels is in Ancient Egypt around 3500 B.C, they were worn by people of higher class to show their wealth at ceremonies or special occasions. Both men and women wore these. On an every day basis the people of higher class wore pieces of leather tied together on their feet, the earliest shoe, while people of lower class went barefoot. Butchers also wore high heels which at this time were usually platform like sandals to get out of the blood on the floor. Also in ancient Rome and Greece a platform like sandals were worn. These had cork or wooden soles They were worn by actors and prostitutes.


Hi my name is Sophie. This is my blog for environmental studies about the geography of high heels. I got all my pitures through google images.